TRX Workout at Home

Due the CoronaVirus, a lot of people are still hesitant to return back to the gym and turning to home workouts instead. But, many don’t know where to start. You want to work out but feel like you don’t have the right equipment. You want to purchase some equipment, but don’t know what the best value is for your money. You also don’t have a ton of space to store workout equipment in your tiny NYC apartment. After some deliberation, we have concluded that the TRX is all you need for a home gym! It is lightweight and portable. Just hook it onto your door and you’re good to go!

What is the TRX (Total Resistance Exercise)?

The TRX is a form of suspension training. The first version of the TRX was invented in 1997 by a Navy Seal Squadron Commander using only a jiu jitsu belt and parachute webbing. Now, it is found in gyms all over the world. It is also part of the military training program for the US Marine Corps. Physical therapists incorporate the TRX into many patient rehab protocols as well.

Are you certified with TRX?

We have earned certifications in TRX Suspension Training for fitness as well as the TRX Sports Medicine Suspension Training which is targeted for rehabilitation and injury prevention. We have been avid users of the TRX in the gym as well as in the clinic since 2012.

Is the TRX right for me?

The TRX is very versatile in that it can target every muscle group in the body. It is also appropriate for every fitness level – whether you are just starting your fitness journey or you are a top level athlete. TRX exercises are functional and low impact so most people can perform these exercises with less risk of injury or aggravating a pre-existing injury. The heavy-duty straps can also withstand the toughest of workouts for elite athletes.

What are the benefits of TRX training?

The TRX uses bodyweight to replace the need for weights for strengthening and toning. You simply adjust your body position to increase or decrease resistance. TRX exercises also incorporate a ton of core work, joint stability, balance, coordination and/or flexibility with each exercise.

Can I get a solid workout with just the TRX?

For sure! The TRX challenges many muscle groups at once. For example, a traditional push up engages the core and other muscles a lot more when performed on the TRX. Because your center of gravity is constantly off balance, it forces your core, shoulders, hips, etc. to activate in order to stabilize the movements. You get a total body, functional workout with every exercise.

Can I lose weight with TRX training?

Yes! A lot people on their weight loss journey do a ton a cardio everyday and still don’t see a huge difference on the scale. This is because they are neglecting resistance training. Resistance training boosts metabolism to help lower your total body fat percentage.

Many also do “spot training” like 100 crunches everyday to try to achieve a six pack. Unforunately, you cannot choose where you lose fat from. But you can help lower your total body fat percentage by increasing caloric expenditure and boosting your metabolism. The TRX is a great way to get in a total body workout to promote weight loss.


What exercises can I do with the TRX?

We have put together a total body workout routine to demonstrate the wide variety of exercises that can be done using the TRX. If you have access to a TRX, follow along! 

If you would like to purchase one for your own personal home gym, click here

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. We earn a small commission if you purchase the item through our link, at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!

3 thoughts on “TRX Workout at Home”

    1. Wellness With ELLA

      You’re welcome! 🙂 We have been using the TRX a lot since COVID, and there’s just so much you can do to get a good workout at home.

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