bladder anatomy

Bladder Habits for a Healthy Bladder

How does the bladder work?

The wall of the bladder is made up of a muscle called the detrusor. The bladder stores urine by relaxing this muscle and it expels urine by contracting it. Because the bladder is controlled by a muscle, it is very habitual. So, if you have poor bladder habits it can lead to urinary leakage, increased frequency of urination, increased urge to urinate, or even bladder pain. This is why it is crucial to practice healthy bladder habits for a healthy bladder.

How do I achieve a healthy bladder?

1. Only pee when you have to. 

If you wait too long, it can overstretch the bladder and can result in an atonic bladder. This may mean that the sensation to urinate may decrease, but not always. However it does mean your bladder has a hard time emptying so it can result in urinary leakage.

2. Don’t pee “just in case.” 

How many of you pee “just in case” before you leave the house? Constantly peeing when you don’t have to results in your bladder’s threshold to fill with urine to decrease. You are essentially training the bladder to think it can hold less urine than it actually can. So, it’s not that you have a “small bladder.” You just have a poorly trained one.

3. Pee every 2-4 hours. 

This is for reasons 1 and 2. However, note that this can vary depending on activity, pregnancy, and fluid intake.

4. Avoid bladder irritants. 

Certain foods create a more acidic environment for our bladder, therefore irritating it. Some common ones include: coffee (even decaffeinated), alcohol, carbonated drinks, fruit juices, citrus fruit, sugar, tea, chocolate, dairy, and spicy foods. However, this list is not conclusive. Keep in mind that your body may not be sensitive to ALL these foods. It’s important to figure out which ones irritate YOUR bladder so you can avoid them.

5. Allow yourself to fully empty your bladder. 

Allow your body to relax for complete emptying. Don’t push or bear down, as this can cause pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. Check out our post on stress urinary incontinence.

6. Stay hydrated. 

Many people avoid drinking water because they don’t want to leak or pee too much. But, this is counterintuitive as it causes your bladder to become more acidic, irritating your bladder. Drinking water can help to decrease the acidic environment in the bladder.

What are normal values?

A healthy adult should void 5-8 times during the day. 

At nighttime, adults <65 years old should not be getting up to pee. However, getting up once in the middle of the night is acceptable. If >65 years old, getting up 1-2 times to urinate is considered normal. 

To maintain a healthy environment for your bladder, it is recommended to have a fluid intake of 6-8 glasses of 8 ounces, and no more than 12 glasses.

7 thoughts on “Bladder Habits for a Healthy Bladder”

  1. This is so interesting! I never actually gave too much thought to this but thank you for the knowledge🙌🏻

  2. Pingback: Women's Health/Pelvic Floor PT - Elevate Physical Therapy

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